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6. Κώδικας και άλλα

Το Java Virtual Machine εκτελεί byte-code instructions. Για να δούμε πώς περίπου μοιάζουν αυτές ορίστε ένα παράδειγμα.

package koko;

class javap_example {

        public static void main(String argv[]){
                int x=1;
                x = 4 + magiko(x);

        public static int magiko(int n){
             return n+1;


Περνώντας το παραπάνω πρόγραμμα απο τον Java disassembler (javap -c) παιρνουμε τα παρακατω:
Compiled from
synchronized class koko.javap_example extends java.lang.Object 
    /* ACC_SUPER bit set */
    public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
    public static int magiko(int);

Method void main(java.lang.String[])
   0 iconst_1       # Κάθε γραμμή περιλαμβάνει και απο μια instruction
   1 istore_1
   2 iconst_4
   3 iload_1
   4 invokestatic #6 <Method int magiko(int)>
   7 iadd
   8 istore_1
   9 getstatic #7 <Field out>
  12 iload_1
  13 invokevirtual #8 <Method void println(int)>
  16 return

Method int magiko(int)
   0 iload_0
   1 iconst_1
   2 iadd
   3 ireturn

Method koko.javap_example()
   0 aload_0
   1 invokespecial #5 <Method java.lang.Object()>
   4 return

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες για την αρχιτεκτονική των Virtual Machines και τον ρόλο κάθε μιας απο τις instructions κοιτάξτε το Java Virtual Machine (των Meyer & Downing).

Προσέξτε πώς η class MyFrame κάνει implement τα interfaces ActionListener kai WindowListener. Σε όσες functions των interfaces δεν θέλouμε να γράψουμε κώδικα (π.χ. windowClosed) τις αφήνουμε κενές.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

class MyFrame extends Frame implements ActionListener,WindowListener
Button bOK,bCan;
public MyFrame(){super("MyFrame"); setup(); setVisible(true);}
public void setup()
      add(bOK=new Button("OK"),"West");
      add(bCan=new Button("Cancel"),"East");
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      Object o = e.getSource();
      if (o==bOK) System.out.println("OK");
      else if (o==bCan) System.out.println("Cancel");
public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e){}
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){System.exit(0);}
public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e){}
public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e){}
public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e){}
public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e){}
public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e){}

Ένας απλός echoserver με threads σε java.

Δημιουργήστε ένα directory "echo" κάτω από το $CLASSPATH και δώστε

java echo.EchoServer &
java echo.Client

package echo;

import java.util.*;

class EchoServer
ServerSocket serverSocket=null;
public EchoServer()
    try {serverSocket = new ServerSocket(5555);} 
    catch (IOException ex) {System.err.println(ex); System.exit(1);}    

public void run()
    boolean listening = true;
    while (listening)
        Socket clientSocket = null;
            clientSocket = serverSocket.accept();
            new ServerThread(clientSocket).start();
        catch (IOException ex){System.err.println(ex);}
    try {serverSocket.close();} 
    catch (IOException ex) {System.err.println(ex);}    

public static void main(String[] args) {new EchoServer().run();}

class ServerThread extends Thread 
Socket socket;
BufferedReader br;
PrintWriter pw;
ServerThread(Socket soc) 
        socket = soc;
        br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(soc.getInputStream()));
        pw = new PrintWriter(soc.getOutputStream());
    catch(Exception ex){System.err.println(ex);}
public void run() 
        boolean listening = true;
        while (listening) 
            String inputLine = br.readLine();
            pw.println("echo: "+inputLine);
    catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

class Client extends Thread
    PrintWriter os;
    BufferedReader is,stdin;
    Client(Socket soc) throws IOException
        os = new PrintWriter(soc.getOutputStream());
        is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(soc.getInputStream()));
        stdin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

    public void run()
        boolean talking = true;
        while (talking)
                String s = stdin.readLine();
                String s1 = is.readLine();
            catch(Exception ex){System.err.println(ex);}
     public static void main(String[] argv)
            Socket soc = new Socket("localhost",5555);
            new Client(soc).start();
        catch(Exception ex){System.err.println(ex); System.exit(1);}

Προσέξτε πως παρακάμπτουμε το print method της Χ στην Α

class X
        public int x;
        public X(int x1){x=x1;}
        public void print(){System.out.println(""+x);}

class A
        X myXInstance = new X(4){public void print(){System.out.println("x="+x);}}

Αν σας ενδιαφέρει ένα μικρό παράδειγμα του τί μπορεί να καταφέρει το RMI, στείλτε μου ένα mail στην διεύθυνση: για να σας στείλω ενα παιχνιδάκι :) γραμμένο σε Java.

                            Java Tools for Linux

                      [extracted from]   
   Java 1.1 compatible Web Browsers
     * Netscape Communicator v4.06 and 4.5Beta
       These versions of the netscape communicator support the JDK 1.1,
       including Swing. Both are available at Netscape JDK1.1 Update
     * HotJava(tm) 1.1.4
       HotJava web browser is written entirely in Java. You can get more
       information about it at HotJava(tm) Browser Page.
     * NetBeans Developer (commercial)
       NetBeans Developer cross-platform, full-featured IDE that combines
       support for all stages of application development including visual
       GUI design, editing, compilation, and debugging - an industrial
       strength yet intuitive development tool for development tool for
       developers at all levels.  A version for Java 2 is now available
       for use so you can start using Java 2 on Linux as soon as the port
       is available. In addition, NetBeans features:
          + Sophisticated support for Swing and layout managers, allowing
            quick and flexible design of highly functional GUIs.
          + JavaBeans based architecture, making it highly extensible and
            customizable, down to every item on the menus and toolbars.
          + A consistent approach to all object types (configuration
            objects, various data types, classes and their
            fields/methods, beans, etc.), simplifying the learning curve
            for NetBeans.
          + Integrated, visual multi-threaded debugger with support for
            breakpoints, watches, locales, and threads
          + Source Editor with syntax coloring and advanced features like
            dynamic word completion
       A non-commercial version is available for free from NetBeans.
     * Simplicity for Java (commercial / free trial version)
       Simplicity for Java is the most powerful RAD tool available on the
       Linux platform for creating Java applications and applets. By
       using the Simplicity for Java IDE, developers build Java software
       interactively through a visual model which is instantaneously
       updated to reflect any changes made to the program's source code
       without compiling. Its features include:
          + Execution of Java source code on-the-fly
          + Full support of all AWT and Swing Components and Layout
          + Code Sourcerer writes Java statements for you
          + Full JavaBeans support
          + Powerful Programmer's Editor features:
          + Method lookup and autocompletion via introspection
          + Search and replace using Perl5 regular expressions
          + Color syntax highlighting
          + Printing in full color
          + Unlimited undo/redo
     * Cross-platform development and file formats
     * All generated code is pure Java (no proprietary libraries).
     * Uses any Java classes on your classpath including jar and zip
     * Use JDK 1.1 or 1.2 (Java 2)
     * View signature, methods, and fields of any class
     * Double click compiler error messages to jump directly to code
     * Year 2000 Compliant
   A free trial of the new version 1.1 is available from Data
   Representations, Inc.
     CodeGuide (commercial / free non-commercial edition)
   CodeGuide is the first IDE which really understands Java. It offers a
   vast assortment of powerful programming aids:
     * COMPLETE and INSTANTANEOUS error detection to show you errors as
       you type.
     * Prefix completion of field accesses and method invocations which
       works just like the file-completion in the UNIX bash.
     * Display of valid methods and fields in the code.
     * Display of expected method parameters.
     * Source browsing to navigate quickly within your code.
   CodeGuide also features other advanced IDE functionality:
     * External compiler integration.
     * Connection to external VMs.
     * Syntax highlighting.
     * JDK switching.
     * Full Java 2 support.
   A non-commercial edition is available for free from Omnicore Software.
     StructureBuilder (commercial)
   Tendril Software's StructureBuilder products are innovative UML
   model-based Java component and application development tools. They are
   the only visualization tools to be tightly integrated into an IDE.
   StructureBuilder can currently be integrated with NetBeans Developer
   and VisualCafe 3.
     * StructureBuilder has synchronized source code and Class Diagram.
       It supports Sequence Diagrams and Use Case Diagrams.
     * StructureBuilder is the only tool that will allow a developer to
       generate code from interaction diagrams.
     * StructureBuilder is the only tool in its class that can recognize
       1:Many relationships when reverse engineering.
     * You can generate Javadoc tags automatically and create HTML
       documentation of your object model with diagram imagemaps.
     * StructureBuilder allows you to visually define, verify and
       generate supporting code for JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans as
       well as parse, identify and extend existing components.
     * The product contains a comprehensive and easy to use Open API.
     * StructureBuilder is certified 100% Pure Java and is supported on
       the Linux platform, as well as Windows and SPARC.
   Download an evaluation version at Tendril's website.
     AnyJ (freeware with professional commercial version)
   AnyJ is a cross-platform, full-featured IDE that supports all kinds of
   of java applications: Servlets, Applets, Applications. Includes a Java
   Beans conform Visual GUI-Builder (Swing), Debugger, integrated Version
   Control and a very powerful and fast Editor.
     * GUI Builder: Full support of AWT and Swing Components, JavaBeans
       support, Unlimited undo/redo
     * Source Code Engineering: True Intelli*ense-like parser backed code
       completion, class browsers & source analysis tools, "Goto
       definition" for quick navigation.
     * Editor: Autocompletion (uses source parsing or .jar/.class file
       scaning), auto import, Unlimited undo/redo,
       Syntax Coloring of Java, Html, XML, etc.. Jump to source from
       compiler error messages or Stack traces
     * integrated graphical debugger (multithreaded, remote debugging,
       breakpoints in inner & anonymous classes)
     * integrated GUI-based Version Control & Diff-viewer,
     * Servlet support (Simply Compile & Run),
     * Customizable Shortcuts, Menu's, Plugin Architecture to extend AnyJ
       in Java, Dependency Checker to support deployment, Commandline
       interface to integrate external tools and scripts.
     * Supports JDK 1.1 or 1.2 (Java 2) (WinNT: + MS-SDK)
   The Linux release is freeware. Unrestricted non-commercial versions
   for Solaris and WinNT are available for free from NetComputing.
     BlueJ (free)
   BlueJ is an integrated Java environment specifically designed for
   introductory teaching. It was developed at Monash University for the
   purpose of teaching in a first-year course and is suitable for
   teachers and individuals who want to learn or use Java. Some features:
     * fully integrated environment
     * graphical class structure display
     * graphical and textual editing
     * built-in editor, compiler, virtual machine, debugger, class
       browser, etc.
     * easy-to-use interface, ideal for beginners
     * interactive object creation
     * interactive object calls and testing
     * incremental application development
   Class and dependancy visualisation helps to understand object-oriented
   structures and interaction facilities support very flexible
   experimentation and immediate feedback.
     JDesignerPro from BulletProof (commercial / free 90 day trial
   JDesignerPro is a complete solution for building and deploying your
   intranet/internet/extranet applications that require database
   connectivity. The visual wizards make development and deployment easy
   even for those who have never programmed before. Some of the features
     * True WYSIWYG development - build and deploy client-side
     * Enterprise Server - build and deploy server-side applications
     * Database connection pooling
     * Completely Object Oriented Structure - Import any JavaBean or
       other component
     * Solid User Access Control system to allow deployment to just the
       right endusers
     * Instant deployment to remote servers
     * SQL Wizard for adhoc querying
     * Wizards for Forms, Grids, Reports, Charts, Email, Paging and more
     * Clients run on Netscape 3.0 or IE 3.0 or later on any platform
     * Integrated HelpDesk system for your endusers
     * Build over the web - Application Builder can be run over the web
       to allow remote development
     * Manage server side processes over the web and monitor active
   BulletProof also offers free email support and paid phone support.
   Download a free trial from the BulletProof website.
     Elixir IDE (commercial/free Lite version)
   Elixir IDE is a slick, lightweight programmer's editor for
   professional Java developers. It was developed on Linux in 100% Java
   sporting the Swing interface. Its features include:
     * Pluggable architecture supporting multiple compilers (JDK 1.1,
       1.2, Jikes), scripting engine (Scheme), and version control system
     * Powerful editor with syntax colouring for Java, HTML, Scheme,
       unlimited undo-redo and collapsible code blocks;
     * Powerful editor with syntax colouring for Java, HTML, Scheme,
       unlimited undo-redo and collapsible code blocks;
     * File and source code browser and management environment scalable
       for large team development;
     * Integrated HTML browser for viewing help files such as Java APIs;
     * Runs on all JDK 1.1 and 1.2 platforms including Linux, with Swing
       user interface.
   A free Lite version with 10 Java file limit is available.
     LOREx2 for Java (commercial)
   LOREx2 for Java is a Java-centric, UML-based CASE tool designed for
   Java developers. Developed in 100% Java, LOREx2 runs on all JDK 1.1
   platforms including Linux. Its features include:
     * Support for UML diagrams with intuitive diagramming features like
       an intelligent connector that auto-detects valid connection types
       between 2 objects;
     * Support for Java keywords like synchronized and @deprecated;
     * Java code generation;
     * Reverse engineers Java applications to UML diagrams:
          + view class interaction and object structure;
          + perform impact analysis for system maintenance; and
          + no source code needed.
     * Support for Java plug-ins to allow tool extension and
       customization by Java developers (the Java code generator is
       itself one such plug-in); and
     * A design repository browser with an object database underneath to
       ensure full design and view integrity.
     Super Mojo (commercial)
   Penumbra's page describes Super Mojo as a "visual Java development
   environment, Super Mojo offers three primary advantages to the
   developer: Rapid Application Development through ease of use and a
   fresh approach to the user interface. Total Application Control
   through complete access to all underlying code. Maximum Code Reuse by
   pushing the limits of object oriented programming ideals."
     WipeOut (freeware with professional commercial version)
   softwarebuero is developing Java IDE, WipeOut, for Linux. It's not
   just a frontend for the JDK, it also fronts for CVS, make, C++
   compiler and GDB. It's features include: general support of C++ and
   Java, revision management / team work support, fast, incremental
   source code parser, central text editor with syntax highlighting, all
   components are fully integrated, nice, productive GUI (no Motif
   required!) and automatic generation of makefiles. It includes a
   Project/Revision Browser, a Class Browser, a Debugger Front End, and a
   Text Editor. For more information Visit the WipeOut Page or download
   it here.
     JForge (Commercial)
   JForge is a Java Beans GUI builder, certified 100% Pure Java by Sun
   Microsystems. It provides a WYSIWYG style interface for creating AWT
   and JFC based Java Beans or GUI forms, saving and loading of Beans as
   Java code or serialized objects, full support for the standard Layout
   Managers, a Menu Builder, pluggable user menus and customizable
   interface, and a feature-rich API allowing even further customization
   or integration with third-party tools. JForge is sold by Tek Tools,
   makers of the popular Kawa Java IDE, and is available for a free 30
   day evaluation period for either JDK 1.1.x or JDK 1.2 development
   environments on all Java-enabled platforms.
     Source Navigator (free "lite" version)
   SN v4 is a complete ide for Java, c/c++, Tcl, Assembly, Fortran, and
   COBOL. It has a Symbol Browser, Class Browsers, Class Hierarchy
   Browser, Include Browser, Cross Referencer, GUI Editor, Diff Tool,
   Debugger Interface, SDK with APIs. Get your lite version while you buy
   a copy for me at the Cygnus Source Navigator site.
     JACOB - The Java Commando Base for Emacs (free)
   Jacob is a Java class browser and project manager for Emacs and
   includes a powerful class wizard. Unlike traditional browsers the
   windows are vertically aligned and the full vertical screen size is
   still reserved for editing. Height of browser lists (packages,
   classes, methods) can be dynamically changed. Now you can spend all
   the screen real estate for your methods or classes, just as you like
   it. Additionally Jacob generates a makefile to compile, run, and/or
   archive (with zip and rcs) your application. JACOB can be found at
     Emacs JDE (free)
   The JDE Hompage explain JDE as "an Emacs Lisp package that provides a
   highly configurable Emacs wrapper for command-line Java development
   tools, such as those provided in JavaSoft's JDK. The JDE provides menu
   access to a Java compiler, debugger, and API doc. The Emacs/JDE
   combination adds features typically missing from command-line tools,
   including: syntax coloring, auto indentation, compile error to source
   links, source-level debugging, source code browsing."
     Visaj (commercial)
   Visaj is a rapid visual application builder for Java written
   completely in Java. It fully supports JavaBeans and the Java 2
   Platform. Visaj enhances developers' productivity by providing a
   point-and-click environment and advanced layout editors for rapidly
   building pure Java applications.
   The rapidity and flexibility inherent in the builder shortens
   development times significantly. Its many features, which include an
   image editor, resource bundle constructor and live event wiring, means
   even the most sophisticated of designs can be put together with ease.
   Its full support for Swing brings the power of Sun's rich Java
   Foundation Classes to all Java developers and allows developers to
   reuse third-party or in-house components with ease.
   Visaj and applications built with it are fully compliant with the Sun
   Microsystems Java Developer's Kit v. 1.1 and JavaBeans, and will run
   on ANY Java platform.
   Free evaluation copies are available for download from Imperial
   Software Technology.
     Sun's Java WorkShop(tm) v2.0 (commercial/trial)
   If you have the commercial or trial version, grab the patch for linux
   at For the
   trial version essentially do everything it asks except inserting the
   CD. And also erase that huge JDK directory and replacing it with a
   soft link to your jdk (but you shouldn't even have to do that). SuSE
   distributes it commercially as well.
     Instant Basic(tm) for Java(tm) (commercial)
   Instant Basic for Java (IB4J) is the first and only 100% Pure Java(tm)
   certified fourth-generation language (4GL) tool. It offers an
   Integrated Development Environment similar to Microsoft(R) Visual
   Basic(R) that enables developers to create new Java-based applets and
   applications. IB4J provides easy migration of existing Visual Basic
   applications to the Java platform. Available in both a Standard and
   Professional Edition.
     Sun's JavaStudio(tm) v1.0 (commercial/trial)
   If you have the trial version you need to do a few funky things. You
   will need the Solaris SPARC distribution and the file from the
   win32 distribution. Yes that means you must have access to an
   installed trail version of JavaStudio on Windows.
     * Replace Java-Studio1.0/JDK with a link to /usr/local/java or where
       the JDK resides
     * Remove the contents of Java-Studio1.0/JS/classes
     * Inside Java-Studio1.0/JS/classes, unzip the jws zipfile
     * cd to Java-Studio1.0/JS/sparc-S2/bin and apply js-linux.diff
     * ./js
     FreeBuilder (free)
   Still new but the next release looks VERY promising. Visit the
   FreeBuilder Homepage. JIT's
     * The TYA Just In Time Compiler
       TYA is a ``100% inofficial'' JIT-compiler original designed as an
       add-on to Randy Chapman's port of JDK 1.0.2 for Linux (x86). Later
       I have added some changes in TYA code for working together with
       the newer 1.1.x ports by Steve Byrne. TYA is current is a very
       stable and usuable development stage. Expect to double the speed
       of your java applications. You can download it from the TYA ftp
       site .
     * Metrowerks JIT for PowerPC
       This is freely available from Kevin Buettner and Metrowerks,
       thanks guys. Visit the Java for Linux on the PowerPC for more
       information and to download it.
     * CACAO JIT for Alpha
       CACAO is 64 bit just-in-time (JIT) compiler for Java. It
       translates Java byte code on demand into native code for the ALPHA
       processor. The current version CACAO 0.1 supports the Alpha
       processor under Linux and Digital Unix. It can be used with the
       class library of the JDK 1.0.2. CACAO version 0.1 does not support
       AWT, it only supports java/lang, java/io and java/util.
   Java Virtual Machines
     * Sun's Java Virtual Machines
       The most common is the Java Development Kit (JDK) ports to various
       architectures is available at the Ports Page. Sun also has a Java
       Runtime Environment (JRE). It includes a Java runtime interpreter
       and all required libraries. The JRE does not include appletviewer
       or compilers. The JRE is also available at the Ports Page.
     * Japhar
       Japhar is the Hungry Programer's Java VM. It has been built from
       the ground up without consulting Sun's sources. Visit the Japhar
       Homepage for more information. Downloads of the distribution are
       available at:
     * Kaffe
       The Kaffe Homepage says, "Kaffe is a virtual machine design to
       execute Java bytecode. Unlike other virtual machines available,
       this machine performs "just-in-time" code conversion from the
       abstract code to the host machine's native code. This will
       ultimately allow execution of Java code at the same speed as
       standard compiled code but while maintaining the advantages and
       flexibility of code independence. You can download Kaffe at .
     * TowerJ
       TowerJ is a native Java deployment compiler and runtime
       environment. It allows for the creation of optimized self
       contained executables from Java bytecode for improved application
       performance, manageability and security.
   Translators to Java
     * Toba: A Java-to-C Translator
       Toba translates Java class files into C source code. This allows
       the construction of directly executable programs that avoid the
       overhead of interpretation. Toba deals with stand-alone
       applications, not applets, and currently support the 1.1 JDK.
     * Harissa
       Harissa is a Java environment that includes a compiler from Java
       bytecode to C and a Java interpreter. While Harissa is aimed at
       applications that are statically configured, such as the Javac
       compiler, it is also designed to allow code to be dynamically
       loaded in an already compiled application. This novel feature is
       introduced by integrating our bytecode interpreter in the runtime
       library. Data structures are compatible between the Java compiled
       code and the interpreter, and data allocated by the interpreter
       does not conflict with data allocated by the compiled code.
       Harissa is written in C and provides an efficient and flexible
       solution for the execution of Java applications.
     * Jikes
       Jikes is a fast, incremental Java byte-code compiler developed by
       IBM Research.
     * JAD-- the fast JAva Decompiler
       The JAD Page says, "Jad is a Java decompiler, i.e. program that
       reads one or more Java class files and converts them into Java
       source files which can be compiled again. Jad is 100% pure C++
       program and it generally works several times faster than
       decompilers written in Java. Also Jad doesn't use the Java runtime
       for its functioning, therefore no special setup (like changes to
       CLASSPATH variable) is required."
     * JStyle (free)
       JStyle is a family of Java source-code styling filters, written
       purely in Java. It includes JSBeautifier - a reindentation filter,
       and JSFormatter - a full reformation filter.
     * Instant Installer(tm)
       100% Pure Java(tm) certified Installer for developers who want to
       produce a universal installer that will run on all the Java
       platforms. Available from Halcyon Software.
     * Instant Converter(tm)
       100% Pure Java(tm) converter. Immediate VB to Java Source Code
       conversion. Available from Halcyon Software.
     * YACC and Lex for Java
       Modern Compiler Implementation in Java offers JLex (a lexical
       analyzer generator) and CUP (a parser generator) written in Java.
     * Free Tools for Java
       The Free Tools for Java Page contains an Java Obfuscator, Java
       based Installer, Java Assembler and more.
     * Packages and Non-development Tools
       Some leads are under Other Products.

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