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4. The outcome

Though LUGistics is still at an early stage (at the time this is written, v0.45), it is quite functional and four "modules" are already present. In order to create a uniform look'n'feel an d avoid rewritting the same code again and again, we created an API that is used by all modules. As an extra benefit from this approach changing the look in all pages is a piece of cake.

You may view screenshots here.

4.1 MEMB

Using the MEMB (members) module, the administrator is able to insert, delete and update members in the database. These data include (apart from the expected name, e-mail, homepage, occupation, etc.) a photo and a short CV.

Users are able to query the database and get detailed results. Privacy is respected by keeping "sensitive" information, such as telephone numbers, unavailable to the public.

4.2 PRJ

Like MEMB, PRJ (projects) lets the administrator insert/update/remove data about projects. Each project has a title,description and numerous URLs and news.A URL is considered to be any Uniform Resource Locator such as e-mails, web pages and ftp sites. Special icons are automatically assigned to each type.

MEMB and PRJ nicelly cooperate and when you click on the e-mail url of a member, you get the full member's card.

There is also a special view, where one can see the latest news from all projects.


SPONSORS provide an easy way to administer and browse sponsor-related information. The administrator can easily add/remove/edit sponsors. It is so simple!


LEXIS is quite a complicated module. The idea is to create an electronic dictionary that will be used as a reference by any translation effort (believe it or not, there ARE non-english-speaking countries!!!). Currently, a user can search the database given an english or a greek word, suggest new ones and submit new synonyms for existing ones. The administrator (or the responsible team), apart from inserting, deleting and editing a word's data can also incorporate or reject suggestions.

Special care has been taken to prevent uncontrolled number of suggestions that would flood the database.

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