Επόμενο Προηγούμενο Περιεχόμενα
Lots of things!
First of all, we want to clean up our code. As we used
PHP and phplib, we found out many things that were not
obvious at the time we started writting the code. So,
older code is a bit incompatible (from a developer's and
not a user's point of view).
Then we have to introduce some kind of user and privilege
management for the administrator, since right now there
are only two kind of users, public and admins (all admins
have the same privileges...)
When the above will be done, we will release the code
under GPL (of course) .
Install LUGistics on our server (www.hellug.gr) to see if
it can really do what it is built for.
And finally, keep on developing new modules (like
Επόμενο Προηγούμενο Περιεχόμενα